Can you Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops?

Can you Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops? 3 Best methods

The notion of growing carrots from carrot tops sounds like a magical gardening shortcut, but the truth is both intriguing and, well, a little more complicated than it seems.

In this quest for carrot alchemy, we delve into the intriguing world of regrowing carrot greens and the fascinating possibilities they hold for aspiring gardeners.

Can you Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops?

Growing carrots from carrot tops can be a fascinating experiment, but it’s important to note that while you can cultivate lush, green carrot leaves using this method, it will not yield the edible taproot that we typically associate with carrots.

Regrowing carrot tops is a wonderful way to enjoy the leafy greens but won’t result in those crunchy orange delights you find at the grocery store.

So, go ahead and regrow those carrot tops for the joy of gardening and sustainability, but when you’re craving a crisp, orange bite, you’ll still need to turn to the traditional carrot seeds.

First, they send forth delicate flowers, painting the garden with their ethereal beauty. These blossoms then gracefully transition into seeds, cradling the promise of new life.

Finally, from the symphony of seeds emerges the star of the show a fresh, crunchy carrot, complete with its coveted taproot. It’s a mesmerizing dance of nature, where the grand finale is the delicious reward we eagerly await.

Can you Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops?

3 Best growing methods:

Certainly, here are three different methods to grow carrot tops:

Water Method:

  • Start by cutting off the carrot tops, leaving about 1-2 inches of the carrot.
  • Place the carrot tops in a shallow dish or glass with enough water to submerge the cut ends.
  • Change the water regularly, ensuring it stays fresh.
  • Within a week or two, you’ll notice new green growth emerging from the tops. Once they’ve grown a few inches, you can transplant them into soil for further development.

Water Method

Pie Plate Method:

  • Cut off the carrot tops, leaving a small portion of the carrot attached.
  • Fill a pie plate or shallow container with potting soil.
  • Plant the carrot tops in the soil, with the cut end inserted into the soil and the green tops exposed.
  • Water the soil thoroughly and place the container in a sunny spot.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist, and you’ll see the carrot tops growing into lush greens.

Newspaper Method:

  • Cut the carrot tops, leaving a small piece of the carrot.
  • Spread damp newspaper sheets on a flat surface.
  • Place the carrot tops on the newspaper, ensuring they don’t overlap.
  • Cover the tops with another layer of damp newspaper.
  • Throughout a couple of weeks, the carrot tops will sprout new growth. Once they’ve grown sufficiently, transplant them into soil for further growth.

These methods offer different approaches to regrowing carrot tops, allowing you to choose the one that suits your preferences and available resources. Happy gardening!

Care and maintenance:

Caring for your carrot tops is essential to ensure their healthy growth. Here are the key steps:

Place in a Sunny Spot:

Carrot tops thrive in full sunlight, so choose a location where they can receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day.

Place in a Sunny Spot

Water Regularly to Keep Soil Moist:

Carrot tops require consistent moisture. Water the soil whenever it starts to dry out, keeping it consistently moist but not waterlogged.


To promote healthy leaf growth, apply a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer occasionally. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for proper application.

By following these care instructions, you’ll ensure that your regrown carrot tops flourish and provide you with vibrant greenery to enjoy.

FAQs Growing Carrots from Carrot Tops

Can you grow carrots from carrot tops?

While it’s possible to regrow carrot greens from carrot tops, growing full-sized carrots from them is much more challenging.

How do I start growing carrots from carrot tops?

Place the carrot top in a shallow dish of water, ensuring the top is partially submerged. Keep it in a sunny spot and change the water regularly.

How long does it take to grow carrots from carrot tops?

It may take several weeks to regrow carrot greens, but producing full-sized carrots from tops can take several months or more.

What do I do after my carrot top has regrown greens?

While you can enjoy the fresh carrot greens, it’s unlikely that you’ll grow full carrots. Consider planting carrot seeds or seedlings for better results.

Why are carrot tops more for decoration than for growing carrots?

Carrot tops are primarily grown for their attractive foliage and not for producing large roots. The original carrot has been selectively bred for its root size and quality.

Can growing carrots from tops be a fun educational project?

Absolutely! It can be a great way to learn about plant growth and experiment with regrowing food scraps.

What are the best conditions for growing full-sized carrots?

Carrots thrive in well-drained, loose soil with plenty of sunlight. They also require consistent watering and thinning to achieve proper spacing.

Are there any other vegetables I can regrow from scraps like carrot tops?

Yes, several vegetables, such as green onions, lettuce, and celery, can be regrown from scraps with varying degrees of success.

Should I completely rule out growing carrots from carrot tops?

While it’s a challenging method, it can be a fun experiment. However, for a reliable carrot harvest, traditional planting methods are recommended.

What are some common challenges in growing carrots from tops?

Common issues include rotting carrot tops, slow growth, and the difficulty of producing well-developed carrots with the desired size and quality.


In conclusion, while it may seem like a fun and eco-friendly experiment to try growing carrots from carrot tops, the reality is that this method is not the most reliable way to cultivate a bountiful crop of carrots.

While it is possible to regrow some greens from carrot tops, the chances of producing full-sized, high-quality carrots are relatively slim.

For a more successful and efficient carrot harvest, it is advisable to stick to traditional methods of planting carrot seeds or seedlings in well-prepared soil, ensuring the right conditions for optimal growth.

While experimenting with carrot tops can be a fun educational experience, serious carrot cultivation is best approached through conventional means.


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