Can You Grow Sweet Potatoes In The UK

Can You Grow Sweet Potatoes In The UK 3 Cool ways

Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are root vegetables that belong to the Convolvulaceae family. They are native to Central and South America and are widely cultivated around the world for their edible tuberous roots.

Sweet potatoes are known for their sweet and starchy flavor, vibrant colors, and nutritional value. They come in various varieties, including orange, purple, and white-fleshed.

Can You Grow Sweet Potatoes In The UK

Sweet potatoes thrive in warm conditions, usually requiring temperatures around 21–26°C (70–80°F). In the UK, an optimal approach involves cultivating them within a greenhouse, whether in spacious containers or along the greenhouse border.

While outdoor growth is possible, the yield will likely be more modest compared to the results achieved with some form of protection.

Growing sweet potatoes in the UK has gained popularity due to culinary diversity, nutritional benefits, climate suitability in certain regions, gardening enthusiasts’ experimentation, and sustainability goals. This growing interest has led to increased awareness, availability of varieties, and tailored cultivation techniques.

Can You Grow Sweet Potatoes In The UK.


Which sweet potato should I grow in the UK?

When choosing sweet potato varieties to grow in the UK, it’s essential to select those that are better suited to the climate and growing conditions in your specific region. Here are a few sweet potato varieties recommended for cultivation in the UK:


This variety is widely grown and well-adapted to the UK climate. It produces medium-sized, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes with excellent flavor and high yields.


T65 is a popular variety known for its resistance to cold weather. It has a shorter growing season compared to other varieties, making it suitable for regions with a shorter frost-free period.

Georgia Jet:

Georgia Jet is a fast-maturing variety that performs well in cooler climates. It produces medium-sized, red-skinned sweet potatoes with moist, orange flesh.


Bonita is a white-fleshed sweet potato variety that can be grown successfully in the UK. It has a smooth texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor.

Purple Viking:

For those interested in purple-fleshed sweet potatoes, Purple Viking is a good choice. It has attractive purple skin and flesh, and it adapts well to the UK climate.

Soil requirements and preparation:

Sweet potatoes prefer well-draining, loose, and fertile soil. Consider the following soil requirements and preparation tips:

Soil type:

Sweet potatoes grow best in sandy or loamy soil with a pH level between 5.8 and 6.2. Avoid heavy clay soils that can retain excessive moisture and hinder tuber development.

Soil fertility:

Before planting, enrich the soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve fertility and drainage. This helps provide essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Soil preparation:

Prepare the soil by removing weeds, rocks, and debris. Loosen the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm (12 inches) to allow for root development. Avoid compacting the soil, as it can restrict tuber growth.

3 cool ways of growing sweet potatoes in UK

Certainly, here are three innovative and cool ways to grow sweet potatoes in the UK:

Vertical Gardening:

Utilize vertical space efficiently by growing sweet potatoes in hanging containers or fabric grow bags. This method not only maximizes space but also allows for better aeration and drainage, leading to healthier plant growth. As the vines develop, they cascade downward, creating an eye-catching and productive display.

Warming Beds or Trenches:

Sweet potatoes require warm soil for optimal growth. Create warming beds or trenches by digging out a shallow trench, filling it with well-rotted compost or organic matter, and then covering it with a layer of soil.

Plant the sweet potato slips on top of the soil-covered compost. The decomposing organic matter will generate heat, helping to maintain the necessary soil temperature for the sweet potatoes.

Polytunnel Cultivation:

Extend the growing season and create a microclimate conducive to sweet potato growth by using a polytunnel or greenhouse. These structures trap heat and create a warmer environment, mimicking the conditions of a more tropical climate. This allows for an extended growing period and higher yields compared to outdoor cultivation.

These innovative approaches showcase the adaptability of sweet potato cultivation in the UK while also adding an element of creativity and uniqueness to your gardening endeavors.

Climate requirements for sweet potatoes in the UK:

Sweet potatoes require a warm and sunny climate to grow successfully. While the UK has a generally cooler climate, certain regions can provide suitable conditions for cultivating sweet potatoes. Here are some climate requirements to consider:


Sweet potatoes thrive in warm temperatures between 21°C and 29°C (70°F to 85°F). They require a minimum temperature of 16°C (60°F) for optimal growth. Warmer regions in the UK, such as the south and southeast, tend to have more favorable temperatures for sweet potato cultivation.

Frost-free period:

Sweet potatoes are frost-sensitive plants. They need a frost-free period of approximately 100 to 150 days for the tubers to mature. Regions with longer frost-free periods, such as the coastal areas of the south, are better suited for growing sweet potatoes.


Sweet potatoes require full sun exposure, ideally receiving at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Choose a planting location that provides maximum sunlight exposure to promote healthy growth and yield.


Creating a microclimate can help maximize heat absorption and protect sweet potatoes from cool temperatures. Consider using raised beds or growing sweet potatoes near south-facing walls or structures that can retain heat and provide some protection against cooler temperatures.

Warm season:

Plant sweet potatoes when the soil temperature reaches a consistent 18°C (65°F) or above. Warmer summer months, typically from late May to early June, are suitable for planting sweet potato slips or starting seeds.

FAQs about Growing Sweet Potatoes in the UK

Can you grow sweet potatoes in the UK climate?

Yes, it’s possible to grow sweet potatoes in the UK, but they require specific care and attention due to the cooler climate.

What’s the best time to plant sweet potatoes in the UK?

Sweet potatoes are typically planted in late spring to early summer when the soil has warmed up. This is usually around May to June in the UK.

How to store sweet potatoes    

To store sweet potatoes, cure them in a warm, well-ventilated area for about 10 days. After curing, store them in a cool, dry, and dark location with good airflow. Avoid refrigeration. Regularly check for spoilage and remove any damaged tubers. With proper curing and storage, sweet potatoes can last several months.

Can I grow sweet potatoes outdoors in the UK?

While sweet potatoes can be grown outdoors in the UK, they often thrive better when grown in containers or raised beds to create a warmer environment.

What kind of soil do sweet potatoes prefer?

Sweet potatoes prefer well-draining, sandy soil with good fertility. Adding compost or well-rotted manure can improve the soil structure.

How do I start sweet potato plants in the UK?

You can start sweet potato plants by sprouting “slips” from a mature sweet potato. Place the sweet potato in water, and when the slips are a few inches long, they can be carefully broken off and planted.

Can I use store-bought sweet potatoes to grow my plants?

Yes, you can use store-bought sweet potatoes to grow slips. However, it’s important to choose organic sweet potatoes, as those treated with growth inhibitors may not produce viable slips.

What’s the required sunlight for sweet potatoes in the UK?

Sweet potatoes require a lot of sunlight. Choose a location with full sun exposure for at least 6-8 hours a day.

How often should I water sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes need consistent moisture, especially during the growing season. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Can I grow sweet potatoes indoors in the UK?

While it’s possible to start sweet potatoes indoors, they will eventually need to be transplanted outside or into larger containers due to their vine-like growth.

When can I harvest sweet potatoes in the UK?

Sweet potatoes are typically harvested in the UK around late September to October, before the first frost. Wait until the leaves start to yellow and die back.

How do I store harvested sweet potatoes?

Cure sweet potatoes by placing them in a warm, humid environment (80-85°F or 27-29°C) for about 10 days. After curing, store them in a cool, dark place with good ventilation.


What are some common pests and diseases affecting sweet potatoes in the UK?

Sweet potatoes can be susceptible to pests like slugs, snails, and whiteflies. Diseases like sweet potato scab and black rot can also affect their growth.

Can I save sweet potatoes for planting the next year?

While you can save sweet potatoes for planting the next year, it’s generally recommended to use fresh, disease-free slips to ensure healthy plant growth.

Are there specific sweet potato varieties recommended for UK growing?

Yes, some varieties like ‘Beauregard’ and ‘Georgia Jet’ are known to perform well in the UK’s climate.

Can I grow sweet potatoes in grow bags?

Yes, growing sweet potatoes in large grow bags or containers can work well, especially if you have limited garden space or want to create a warmer microclimate.


In conclusion, while the UK’s climate might present some challenges, growing sweet potatoes in the region is indeed possible with the right knowledge and care. By selecting suitable varieties, providing ample sunlight, optimizing soil conditions, and offering consistent moisture, gardeners can successfully cultivate sweet potatoes.

Whether in outdoor containers, raised beds, or even traditional garden plots, the endeavor requires patience and attention to detail. With the proper timing for planting and harvesting, along with proactive measures to address potential pests and diseases, a bountiful harvest of sweet potatoes can be achieved, adding a unique and nutritious touch to the UK’s gardening landscape.

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