How to grow an apple tree from seeds

How to grow an apple tree from seeds 2 best methods

Growing apples from seed is a rewarding but patient endeavor that offers a glimpse into the unpredictable world of nature. Unlike traditional methods such as grafting or budding, starting from seeds can result in unique and surprising apple varieties.

However, it’s important to note that the apples grown may not resemble the parent tree, and it can take several years before your seedlings bear fruit.

How to grow an apple tree from seeds

Apple trees grown from seeds may not produce apples about 6-10 years, and not produce apples identical to their parent tree, so the fruit characteristics can be unpredictable

How to grow an apple tree from seeds

How to plant apple seeds?

Planting apple seeds is a straightforward process, but it’s important to keep in mind that the resulting tree may not produce the same type of apple as the seed came from. Here’s a basic guide:


Apple seeds require a cold, moist stratification period to break dormancy and encourage germination. This mimics the winter conditions they would naturally experience. To stratify the seeds:

  1. Dampen a paper towel or coffee filter.
  2. Place the seeds on one half of the towel or filter.
  3. Fold the other half over the seeds.
  4. Put the folded towel or filter with the seeds into a plastic bag.
  5. Refrigeration: Put the sealed bag in the refrigerator for about 4-6 weeks. This cold treatment helps prepare the seeds for germination.


Put the sealed bag in the refrigerator for about 4-6 weeks. This cold treatment helps prepare the seeds for germination.

Planting apple seeds:

Planting apple seeds is a straightforward process, but it’s important to keep in mind that the resulting tree may not produce the same type of apple as the seed came from. Here’s a basic guide:

Collect Apple Seeds:

Gather seeds from ripe apples. Clean them to remove any remaining fruit.


Apple seeds need a period of cold stratification to germinate. Place them in a damp paper towel inside a plastic bag, then refrigerate for 4-6 weeks.

Prepare Seedlings:

After stratification, sow the seeds in a seedling tray or pots filled with potting mix. Plant each seed about 1/2 inch deep.

Provide Light and Water:

Place the trays or pots in a sunny location, and water the soil to keep it consistently moist but not waterlogged.


Once your seedlings have grown to a few inches tall and have several leaves, transplant them to larger pots or directly into the ground in a suitable location. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil.

Care for Young Trees:

Continue to water your apple seedlings regularly. Prune them as they grow to encourage a strong, healthy shape.

Wait and Watch:

It can take several years for an apple tree grown from seed to bear fruit, and the apples may be different from the parent tree. Be patient and enjoy the process.

Remember that growing apples from seeds is a fun experiment, but if you want a specific apple variety, it’s better to start with a grafted tree from a nursery, as it will produce consistent results.

What is downside of growing apples from pips?

Growing apples from pips (seeds) can be an exciting and educational experience, but there are some downsides and challenges to consider:

Genetic Variability:

One of the biggest downsides is the genetic variability of seed-grown apple trees. Unlike grafted or cloned trees, which produce apples with known characteristics, apple trees grown from seeds can yield unpredictable fruit.

The resulting apples may vary widely in taste, size, color, and other attributes. This makes it difficult to predict what kind of apples you will get

Long Time to Fruit:

Seed-grown apple trees typically take longer to mature and bear fruit compared to grafted trees. It can take several years, sometimes a decade or more, for a seed-grown apple tree to produce its first apples. This extended wait can be a significant drawback if you’re eager for a harvest.

Potential for Undesirable Traits:

Because of genetic variability, there’s a chance that the apples from seed-grown trees may have undesirable qualities, such as poor flavor, texture, or disease susceptibility. You might end up with apples that are not suitable for consumption or culinary use.

Lack of True-to-Type Reproduction:

Growing from seeds doesn’t guarantee that you’ll reproduce the exact characteristics of the parent apple. This can be a drawback if you’re seeking to replicate a specific apple variety with known qualities.

Limited Availability of Space:

If you have limited space for planting apple trees, it might not be practical to dedicate space to seed-grown trees, given the uncertain outcome of their fruit.


Can we really grow apple trees from seeds?

Yes, you can grow apple trees from seeds, but it’s important to understand that the resulting trees may not produce apples identical to the parent tree.

How long does it take for apple trees grown from seeds to bear fruit?

Apple trees grown from seeds can take several years to a decade or more to mature and produce fruit. They generally take longer compared to grafted or cloned trees.

Will the apples from seed-grown trees be the same as the parent apple?

No, the apples from seed-grown trees can be quite different in taste, size, and appearance from the parent apple. There’s a high degree of genetic variability.

What’s the benefit of growing apples from seeds if the fruit is unpredictable?

Growing from seeds is an educational and adventurous experience. It allows you to explore the diversity of apple genetics and potentially discover unique apple varieties.

How do I prepare apple seeds for planting?

To prepare apple seeds, collect them from ripe apples, clean off any fruit residue, stratify them by refrigerating for 4-6 weeks, and then plant them in suitable soil.

Can I grow apple trees indoors from seeds?

Yes, you can start apple seeds indoors in pots or trays. Once they grow a few inches tall, you can transplant them outdoors if you have suitable outdoor space.

Are there any specific care tips for seed-grown apple trees?

Seed-grown apple trees require regular watering, proper sunlight, and pruning as they grow. Be patient and give them time to develop.

Can I graft a seed-grown apple tree to get desired characteristics?

Yes, you can graft or bud a seed-grown apple tree onto an established rootstock to get desired apple varieties or characteristics.

Should I choose grafted apple trees from a nursery instead of growing from seeds?

If you want specific apple varieties with known qualities, it’s recommended to start with grafted trees from a nursery for more predictable results.

Are there any legal restrictions on growing apple trees from seeds?

It’s essential to check local regulations and intellectual property rights, as some apple varieties are patented, and propagating them from seeds might be restricted.


In conclusion, while it is indeed possible to grow apple trees from seeds, this horticultural venture comes with its own set of unique challenges and uncertainties. The allure of discovering novel apple varieties and experiencing the wonder of nature’s diversity can be a driving force behind this endeavor.

However, those seeking the assurance of consistent fruit quality, taste, and characteristics should consider alternative methods, such as starting with grafted or cloned apple trees from reputable nurseries.

Growing apples from seeds is an educational and adventurous pursuit, offering not just the potential for delectable surprises but also a deeper appreciation for the intricate art of cultivation and the natural world’s boundless mysteries.

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