How to Grow Mangoes in the UK?

How to Grow Mangoes in the UK? 2 best methods

Imagine savoring the tropical delight of ripe, homegrown mangoes right here in the UK. While our climate may not naturally lend itself to mango cultivation, the allure of nurturing these exotic trees is undeniable.

Growing mango trees in the UK is a horticultural adventure that requires a touch of ingenuity and a dash of patience.  The secrets of successfully cultivating mango trees in the heart of British gardens, transforming your backyard into a mini tropical paradise.

How to Grow Mangoes in the UK?

British Isles:

The temperate climate of the British Isles, including the United Kingdom and Ireland, is unsuitable for mango cultivation due to cool temperatures, frequent rainfall, and limited sunlight.

The British Isles, including the United Kingdom and Ireland, have a temperate climate characterized by cool temperatures, frequent rainfall, and limited sunshine, especially in comparison to tropical climates.

These conditions are not suitable for mango cultivation. Mango trees require consistent warmth and sunlight throughout the year to flower and fruit successfully. In the British Isles, the climate would be too harsh for mango trees to survive and produce fruit, making it an unsuitable region for mango cultivation


Mangoes thrive in tropical regions with warm temperatures, ample sunlight, and high humidity. Countries near the equator like India, Thailand, and the Philippines are ideal for mango cultivation

How to Grow Mangoes in the UK?

Growing mangoes in the UK can be challenging due to the climate, but it’s possible with careful planning and the right conditions. Here’s a brief overview of the key aspects:

Propagation from 2 best methods:


You can start by germinating a mango seed. However, keep in mind that mangoes grown from seeds may not produce fruit identical to the parent tree. Choose a ripe mango, remove the seed, and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. It should sprout in a few weeks.

Grafted Trees:

For more reliable fruit production, consider buying a grafted mango tree. Grafted trees are typically a combination of a hardy rootstock and a desirable mango variety, ensuring better fruit quality.

 Grow a Mango Tree from Seed:

  • Choose a ripe mango.
  • Remove the seed and clean it.
  • Air-dry the seed until the husk is brittle.
  • Crack the husk to reveal the inner kernel.
  • Plant the kernel in well-draining soil, leaving the top half exposed.
  • Keep it warm and moist.
  • Transplant when you see a sprout.
  • Provide full sunlight and care for your growing mango tree.



Mango trees need a sunny, sheltered spot with well-draining soil. In the UK, consider growing them in large containers or a greenhouse to protect them from cold temperatures.


Mangoes are tropical plants and sensitive to frost. During winter, provide supplemental heat in a greenhouse or move container-grown trees indoors.


Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water sparingly during the winter months.


Use a balanced fertilizer designed for fruit trees during the growing season. Follow the recommended application rates.


Aphids, Scale, and Spider Mites: Keep an eye out for these common pests and treat them promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Fruit Flies:

Protect ripening fruit with fine mesh bags to prevent fruit fly infestations.

Plant Source:

Purchase mango trees from reputable nurseries or garden centers that specialize in fruit trees. Ensure that the tree is suitable for UK conditions.

Plant Safety:

Mango trees, like many fruit trees, produce sap that can cause skin irritation in some individuals. Handle the sap with care and wash your hands thoroughly after touching the tree. If you have known allergies or sensitivities, consider wearing gloves when working with mango trees.

Remember that growing mangoes in the UK will require ongoing care and attention to create a suitable microclimate for the trees. Success may vary depending on local conditions and your commitment to providing the necessary protection from the cold and other challenges posed by the UK’s climate.

Care for Mango trees

Nurturing and caring for mango trees is essential to ensure healthy growth and a bountiful harvest. Here are key steps to help you care for your mango tree:


  • Prune your mango tree to maintain its shape and remove dead or diseased branches.
  • Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.
  • Encourage an open canopy to allow sunlight and air circulation.


Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or compost, around the base of the tree to retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.


Can I grow mango trees from seeds?

Yes, you can grow mango trees from seeds, but keep in mind that they may not produce fruit identical to the parent mango. Grafted trees are a more reliable option for fruit production.

When is the best time to plant a mango tree?

Plant mango trees in the spring when the weather is warming up. This gives them a good start before the growing season.

What are common pests and diseases that affect mango trees?

Common pests include aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. Diseases like anthracnose and powdery mildew can also affect mango trees.


In conclusion, growing mango trees in the UK is indeed possible, but it presents a unique set of challenges due to the country’s temperate climate.

With dedication and creative solutions, such as greenhouse or indoor cultivation, choosing cold-tolerant varieties, and providing protection from frost, enthusiasts can nurture these tropical trees and even enjoy the sweet rewards of homegrown mangoes.

While it may require extra effort and patience, the experience of cultivating mango trees in a non-tropical climate like the UK can be a rewarding and fulfilling horticultural endeavor, offering a taste of the exotic within the confines of a cooler climate.

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