How to take Cuttings from Busy Lizzie plant?

How to take Cuttings from Busy Lizzie plant? 4 best varieties

Busy Lizzie, also known as Impatiens walleriana, is a popular flowering plant originating from East Africa. It typically grows as a low, bushy, and compact plant, reaching a height of 6-24 inches.

Busy Lizzie is a favourite for adding vibrant colour to shaded areas in gardens and is also commonly used in hanging baskets and containers.

How to take Cuttings from Busy Lizzie plant?

Yes, you can propagate Busy Lizzie in water instead of using soil or a potting medium for the cuttings. Remove the lower leaves and place them in water to grow properly.

How to take Cuttings from Busy Lizzie plant?

Propagating busy Lizzie through cuttings.

Propagating Busy Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana) from cuttings is a relatively simple process. Here are the steps to follow:

Select a Healthy Parent Plant:

Choose a mature and healthy Busy Lizzie plant from which you’ll take cuttings. Make sure it’s free from diseases and pests.

Gather Supplies:

You’ll need a sharp, clean pair of scissors or pruning shears, small pots or containers for planting, a well-draining potting mix, and a plastic bag or plastic wrap.

Take Cuttings:

Select stems that are 5 to 10cm long, and cut just below a node (the point where a leaf is attached to the stem). Each cutting should have at least two sets of leaves.

Place in water:

Place the cutting in the container of water and keep it at room temperature for 3 to 4 weeks. When the cutting has grown roots, gently transfer it to a container with soil.

Plant Cuttings:

Fill your small pots or containers with a well-draining potting mix. Plant the cuttings into the soil, making a hole with a pencil or a stick and inserting the cutting.


Water the cuttings thoroughly, and allow excess water to drain. The soil should be moist but not waterlogged.

Cover with Plastic:

To create a humid environment, cover the pots with a plastic bag or plastic wrap. This helps to retain moisture and promote rooting.

Place in Indirect Light:

Put the pots in a location with indirect light, avoiding direct sunlight, as intense sunlight can scorch the cuttings.

Monitor and Maintain:

Keep an eye on the cuttings and maintain humidity by misting inside the plastic cover if needed. Ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not overly wet.


After a few weeks, you should see roots forming. When the cuttings have established roots (usually after 4-6 weeks), you can transplant them into larger pots or your garden.

Four best Varieties:

There are several varieties of Busy Lizzie (Impatiens) and New Guinea Impatiens, each with its unique characteristics and colour options. Some common varieties include:

Tamarinda Max Lavender:

Tamarinda Max Lavender is a variety of New Guinea Impatiens, known for its vibrant lavender-coloured flowers and attractive foliage. New Guinea Impatiens are appreciated for their ability to thrive in partial shade.

Tamarinda Max Lavender

Divine Violet:

Divine Violet is another New Guinea Impatiens variety. It typically features rich violet-coloured blooms and glossy green leaves. Like other New Guinea Impatiens, it enjoys partial shade and well-drained soil.

Magnum Fire:

Magnum Fire is likely a variety of Busy Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana). These plants are known for their compact growth and a profusion of fiery, bright flowers. They are ideal for adding colour to shaded areas.

Paradise Moorea:

Paradise Moorea is another variety of New Guinea Impatiens. New Guinea Impatiens are generally appreciated for their wide range of colours and their ability to grow in areas with filtered sunlight.

These varieties are chosen for their unique colours and characteristics, and they can add a touch of elegance to your garden or landscaping. Keep in mind that proper care, including adequate watering and well-draining soil, is important for the healthy growth of these plants.

Frequently asked questions

Are you busy Lizzie’s perennial?

They can be grown as perennials in areas with mild, frost-free climates where they may survive and bloom year-round. However, in most temperate climates, they are treated as annuals because they are sensitive to frost and cold temperatures.

Gardeners in colder regions often replant Busy Lizzies each spring to enjoy their colourful blooms. If you live in a region with a mild climate, you may be able to cultivate them as perennials, but in colder areas, they are best treated as annuals.

Can impatiens grow from cuttings?

Yes, impatiens can be propagated from cuttings. Taking cuttings from a healthy impatiens plant and providing the right care can help them root and grow into new plants.

Can you root impatiens cuttings in water?

While impatiens can be rooted in water, they tend to root more successfully in a well-draining potting mix. Using a rooting hormone can also improve the chances of successful propagation.

When and how to take impatiens cuttings?

Impatiens cuttings are best taken during the growing season, typically in spring or early summer. To take cuttings, choose healthy stems, cut just below a leaf node, remove lower leaves, and plant in a well-draining potting mix.

What month is best to take impatiens cuttings?

The best time to take impatiens cuttings is during the active growing season, which is typically in the spring or early summer when the plant is putting out new growth.

Do impatiens have deep roots?

Impatiens generally have shallow root systems. They prefer well-draining soil and can be sensitive to overwatering. Providing good drainage is important for their growth.

Do impatiens grow in indirect sunlight?

Yes, impatiens thrive in indirect sunlight or partial shade. They are known for their ability to grow well in areas with filtered or dappled light. Too much direct sunlight can be harmful to impatiens, as they prefer cooler and shadier conditions.


In conclusion, taking cuttings from Busy Lizzie is a straightforward and effective method for propagating these beautiful plants. By following the steps outlined in this guide, gardeners can ensure the success of their propagation efforts.

It provides an opportunity to expand your garden with new plants while preserving the unique characteristics of your favourite Busy Lizzie varieties. With proper care and attention, these cuttings can develop into strong, healthy plants that will bring vibrancy and colour to your garden.

So, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning, taking cuttings from Busy Lizzie is a rewarding and enjoyable way to grow these lovely flowers.

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